Topic: Controversial fourth quarter fumble call

Controversial fourth quarter fumble call

With 1:50 left in the fourth quarter, the leading 24-16 and the driving, found rookie with a 6-yard pa s. But Boyd, who appeared to be down, lost the Ben Chiarot Jersey ball on a hit by linebacker . Safety recovered it, scrambled down the left sideline before he was eventually tackled at midfield. But turnovers are automatically reviewed, and everyone Mathieu Perreault Jersey -- the CBS announcers, fans and beat writers for both teams on Twitter, and our own two eyes -- seemed certain that the call on the field would be overturned because Boyd's knee looked to hit the turf before the ball was dislodged. Worst case, the Bengals would continue their drive. Somehow, that didn't happen.First shot, knee down.Second shot, ball out. How is this a fumble? Dan Levy (@DanLevyThinks) Here's another view:. causes the Bengals Tyler Boyd to fumble to seal the game Bobby Hull Jersey Charles Palla (@ChazPalla) Instead, referee Pete Morelli, after a long time under the hood, announced to the crowd that the fumble call would stand.So instead of Dalton continuing to carve up the Steelers' secondary, 's offense took the field and ran out the clock, going on Kyle Connor Jersey to eke out a 24-16 victory. So while there was no after-the-whistle drama that we've come to expect between these two teams, it's hard to overlook the officials' decision to stick with that fumble call, despite the visual evidence suggesting otherwise. , Patrik Laine Jersey the Steelers move to 2-0 while the Bengals drop to 1-1.