Earthquake Area Heritage Retreats (EAHR)
The earthquake area has the potential to draw a large number of visitors who may be motivated by sympathy, at the same time to savour the stunning scenic beauty and unique cultural and heritage assets – all of which could be utilized effectively for economic growth & development, job creation, social cohesion and fostering pride and ownership in order to achieve long term rehabilitation of affected communities.
The EARTHQUAKE AREA HERITAGE RETREATS (EAHR) is designed as community-based sustainable tourism initiative in order to maximize the heritage potential of the area for poverty alleviation and community empowerment including marginalized vulnerable groups and women.
Acquisition of 6 acres land and House
at Base Camp for Setting up Heritage Foundation
Tent Accommodation with Bathrooms Nokia-NSN
Research/Scholar's Houses Nokia-NSN
Reception & Products Outlet at Karakoram Highway Nokia-NSN