Since 2001 through KaravanPakistan activities, Heritage Foundation has been promoting creative and performing arts among school children at various heritage sites around the country, with beneficial affect.
Due to the past experience, we considered it important to engage the community particularly school children in the arts.
Art workshops for children were initiated in March 2006 and have involved over 600 children who have painted 5’6 x 10’ long murals which are now 700 feet long. These murals have been painted by children who had never held a brush in their hands.
Performances as a result of workshops held in summer 2006.
Workshops have been held focusing on dance, skits and music , were conducted by Karavan volunteers from American University at Sharjah and National College of Arts, as well as those from USA and Australia These workshops were attended by over 150 school children.
During 2007, art workshops were conducted by Prof. Lala Rukh of National College of Arts for students in painting and photography.
Children displaying their works. Prof. Lala Rukh's workshops.
These workshops have had positive impact on school children and has helped them overcome their trauma.
Since August 2007, a mural painting programme has also been undertaken for women belonging to Nokia-Karavan Craft Centres, who have painted some beautiful murals with distinctive designs.
Assemblies have been held in which large number of women have participated, in which various issues related to their lifestyle, crafts and other activities have been discussed. These women had never had a chance to assemble together and it has been an exciting and rewarding experience for all those who participated in such assemblies.