NFL Week 1 odds picks TV Patriots top St

NFL Week 1 odds picks TV Patriots top St

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to season seven of my NFL picks. When I started this weekly column back in 2013, I was single, in my 20s and was known to pull off the occasional weekend bender in Vegas. Now, I'm married, in my 30s and all of my bender money is spent by my wife at Target. I still have no idea what she buys, but I have noticed that we seem to have at least three new throw pillows per week. Is that normal? The problem for me is that I have no idea what's normal anymore, and to be honest, I don't think any of us do, and that's mainly because we just lived through what might have been the craziest offseason of all time: got traded, almost mishap, quit football and I still haven't even listed anything that happened to Allen Robinson Jersey the , who kind of topped everyone in the craziest offseason department. I mean, a Patriots player two weeks ago and that wasn't even the that happened to someone in that organization this offseason. The Patriots also lost Rob Gronkowski to retirement, and I think what I'm trying to say here is that they've had too many weird things happen to them this offseason, which means I can't pick them to win the this season. So who am I picking? That's a great question, and you to see my predictions for the entire 2019 NFL season. If you click over, you'll see who I'm picking to win each division and who I'm picking to make the playoffs. You'll also notice that I'm the third-most hated person in Chicago due to the fact that I'm apparently the 11,000th millennial to show no faith in the this year. Another Millennial picking against the Bears. It's pretty hilarious. Dolphins get 5 wins? Against who?Anyway, just noting that you're the 11,000th Millennial who said the Bears will mi s the playoffs. Congrats. El Jefe (@ElJefeTulum) Millennials have gotten out of hand: First, they killed the cold cereal industry, then they went after the casual dining industry and now they're all picking the Bears to mi s the playoffs. I hate Millennials. Anyway, before we get to the picks, I have good news for the five of you who emailed in and demanded to CBS that I do more this season. Not only will I be writing this weekly picks column, but I'll also be podcasting a lot this year. As a matter of fact, you should go ahead and circle every Monday, Tuesday and Eddie Goldman Jersey Friday on your calendar from now until February, because that's when I'll be joining Will Brinson on the Pick Six Podcast ( ), the only daily NFL podcast around. Each week, we'll be joined by Ryan Wilson and Sean Wagner-McGough, and trust me when I say it's always a good time. I somehow locked myself in a room and instead of helping me, , and decided to mock me and take selfies John Breech (@johnbreech) On the other hand, if you hate podcasts, but love to read NFL picks from every po sible writer on the internet, then I can help you in that department, too. Well, kind of. James Daniels Jersey Although I don't have time to track down the picks from every NFL writer on the internet, I do have something for you: You can check out the Week 1 picks from . OK, I think I've made you guys wait long enough, so let's get to the picks. NFL Week 1 picks Green Bay at Chicago Thursday, 8:20 p.m. ET (NBC) Point spread: Bears, -3 Since I'm one of the 11,000 Millennials who hate the Bears, I decided to ignore everything Chicago did this offseason, well, except for their kicking competition, because there was no po sible way to ignore that. It had more drama than a crazy season of , and more eliminations than a crazy season of . First, there in the competition, then it got trimmed down to three, then , and now the Bears are going into the regular season with someone they're not exactly sure they have a future with, which pretty much describes how every bachelorette winner has ever felt after leaving the show. In the end, the kicking job went to Eddy Pineiro, who immediately did his best to make the Bears regret giving him the job. In his first game after he won the kicking competition, Pineiro managed to defy all laws of physics by somehow mi sing a 33-yard extra point by roughly 33 yards. Since that doesn't sound believable, I'm going to go ahead and show you the clip to prove it actually happened. Bears need to give up on finding a kicker and just go for two every time, and also never kick field goals John Breech (@johnbreech) If I'm the Bears, I'm not sure that's the guy I want kicking extra points for me. As for the , they'll be running a new offense on Thursday, and there's a good chance it's going to struggle, which is why I think this is going to be a low-scoring game that comes down to a field goal attempt by Piniero, and you can probably gue s by my prediction whether I think that kick is going to go in or not. The pick: Packers 20-17 over Bears L.A. at Carolina 1 p.m. ET (Fox) Point spread: Rams, -3 If you're ever thinking about becoming a sports writer, the Rams-Panthers game is the argument for why you should think about becoming a doctor first Buster Skrine Jersey . Besides the fact that it pays slightly more, being a doctor will help you figure out who's going to win close games, like this one. You see, if you had a medical degree, you'd have a better idea of whose body is more likely to fall apart on Sunday: or . The Rams have been trying to convince us all offseason that Gurley's knee isn't an i sue, but then his trainer said that there " in the knee and now I don't know what to believe. Just kidding, I believe the trainer. As for Cam, the last time we saw him in a regular season game came last year when he couldn't even throw a football 30 yards downfield due to an injured shoulder. Although he fixed that problem with surgery, he's now got another problem . Since I'm not a doctor, I can't say whether Gurley or Chicago Bears Jersey Newton has it worse, but I think I can unequivocally say that the advantage in this game goes to the Rams, and that's because if Gurley is le s than 100 percent, they've got two quality running backs who can fill-in. On the other hand, if Newton is le s than 100 percent, there's a 100 percent chance the are going to lose. And just in case I'm not being clear, I'm taking the Rams, although I have to admit, I hate betting against anyone who went celibate for a month during the offseason. Cam Newton is.... going celibate! MOUGshow (@MOUGshow) I should probably go celibate for a month if I mi s this pick. The pick: Rams 16-13 over Panthers San Francisco at Tampa Bay 1 p.m. ET (Fox) Point spread: Pick'em I'm not sure who's in charge of making the coaching hires in Tampa Bay, but I'm starting to think it might actually be former Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. After the fired Dirk Koetter following , Carter immediately got on Twitter and begged Bruce Arians to take the Tampa job. Ok Im going out on a limb. Im BEGGING you