Meeting at the office of DIG Police regarding safeguarding and regeneration of Karachi’s historic core.

Meeting at the office of DIG Police regarding safeguarding and regeneration of Karachi’s historic core.

A meeting was held at 3:30 pm on 20th April at the office of DIG South. The meeting was convened to develop collaborative efforts between Karachi Administration, Sindh Police and civil society Heritage Foundation of Pakistan for the purpose of heritage safeguarding and regeneration of Karachi’s historic core along Heritage Foundation’s Red Trail.
Those attended included DC South and his senior officers, DIG Traffic and other senior police officers, Director, Antiquities department and CEO Heritage Foundation and her team. The meeting was chaired by DIG South.
1.   HF presented a catalogue of 54 heritage structures that were threatened by demolition. After a great deal of discussion, it was decided to identify 5 such structures and joint vigorous action will be taken by administration and the police. Heritage department will file an FIR against it. Eminent lawyers should be requested to take the case up in the courts. In the meantime, instructions were given to both the relevant civil and police officers to report any imminent threat to heritage structures. 
Follow up action: HF to identify 5 heritage structures and report to Director, Antiquities Department who will lodge an FIR immediately. Reporting in two weeks.
2.  Kharadar Chowki restoration was presented to demonstrate how with comparatively limited effort and resources, heritage structures could be rehabilitated.
Follow up Action: Expedite the work in order to complete the project as expeditiously as possible. 
3.  Kharadar Chowk revitalization was presented and the following was decided. 
DIG Traffic agreed to take up the review of the street pattern to achieve the following:
a. One-way routes to be determined 
b. Parking of motorbikes to be rationalized.
He agreed that a review would be carried out to determine the extent of forest area in front of the Police Chowki. 
DC South agreed to assist in removal of encroachments and suggested that plantation should be taken up in an area that was free from encroachment as a start.
Follow up Action:  Study of the chowk and recommendations by Traffic Police and removal of encroachments. Reporting in two weeks.
4.  Greening of Police Quarters
The greening of the streets of Police Quarters was presented by HF. DIG South instructed that streetwise committees should be formed to take up the case. II the meantime, through assistance from DMCs the encroachment on the streets should be taken up for removal. 
Follow up Action: Formation of street committees and removal of encroachments from streets. Reporting in two weeks.

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