
Researchers from Philippines interview dr. Yasmeen Lari to learn about her sustainable construction methods using bamboo.

Researchers from Philippines interview dr. Yasmeen Lari to learn about her sustainable construction methods using bamboo. With Philippines also a regular target for natural disasters, the team wants to uncover the wisdom behind her eco-conscious designs, forging a path towards a more resilient future for their own communities. 

Researchers from Philippines interview dr. Yasmeen Lari to  learn about her sustainable construction methods using bamboo.

posted 13d ago

The Earth and I published an article titled, “Barefoot Architect brings Sustainable Housing to Pakistan’s poor.”

The Earth and I published an article titled, “Barefoot Architect brings Sustainable Housing to Pakistan’s poor.” The article talks about how Dr. Yasmeen Lari and her ‘Barefoot Social Article’ (BASA) program work to uplift impoverished communities without impacting the environment.

The Earth and I published an article titled, “Barefoot Architect  brings Sustainable Housing to Pakistan’s poor.”

posted 23d ago

Shankarkohli village, Sindh celebrates the fruition of their women’s savings program with the opening of a new school.

Empowering Futures: From community efforts to a thriving school! Shankarkohli village in Sindh celebrates the fruition of their women’s savings program with the opening of a new school. With 75 eager learners attending in two shifts, the future looks brighter than ever.

Shankarkohli village, Sindh celebrates the fruition of their women’s savings program with the opening of a new school.

posted 28d ago

HF and LBA join forces to launch “Parho Pakistan”, an empowering initiative bringing educational enlightenment through videos.

Unlocking the Future: The Heritage Foundation and Lari Barefoot Academy join forces to launch ‘Parho Pakistan,’ an empowering initiative bringing educational enlightenment through captivating video series.

HF and LBA join forces to launch “Parho Pakistan”, an empowering initiative bringing educational enlightenment through videos.

posted 42d ago

Master trainer kashi work, Ghulam Abbas crafts an organic goat hair brush in Pono Village, Sindh, showcasing local artistry and skill.

Master trainer kashi work, Ghulam Abbas crafts an organic goat hair brush in Pono Village, Sindh, showcasing local artistry and skill.

Master trainer kashi work, Ghulam Abbas crafts an organic goat hair brush in Pono Village, Sindh, showcasing local artistry and skill.

posted 51d ago