Topic: Blog

Our nursing paper writing service is a great choice.

Our nursing paper writing service is a great choice.

Since 1995, we have been offering paper writing assistance to students all over the globe. You can find work for high school, college and university education programs in our portfolio. We can handle technology essays. Nursing is the scientific field we are most proud of. It is a complex mixture of traditional medical knowledge and cutting-edge soft skills. Every future nurse must deal with writing nursing essays from the very beginning of their education. Before you can practice, you need to be able to comprehend the basic concepts of various medical fields in theoretical form. Writing nursing essays is one way to acquire this knowledge.

It is possible to feel overwhelmed by the number of assignments you have to complete. Our nursing essay writing service can help you overcome the difficulties of education. It will make your homework more organized, structured, and efficient. What does this mean? Let's say you are responsible for all of your assignments.

  • It takes a lot of time to locate the right sources and understand how each task should proceed.
  • It is important to seek out mentors or fellow students.
  • You can't be a master of every topic, even if you have an excellent idea.
  • Your paper format can affect the overall score. Ask yourself why and what went wrong.

As we create essays for money, our nursing paper writing service will assist you with all of these complexities. We would be able to understand any additional things you find frustrating while writing papers. Nursing writing services help you be less stressed, so that you can focus more on the actual studying and not the editing or preparation. Many students don't have the skills to format academic papers or write English well. This is okay because they're studying medical science to become nurses. To help you focus on the important things, we have hired top experts in scientific research and paper completion. We will help you enrich your ideas, increase your intellectual potential, find new areas for improvement in writing.


Topics: blog

30. Flood Blog by Prof. Yasmeen Lari - Food Security

Having lost everything due to 2022 Flood, millions of families today need food supplies. Due to Government’s non action and slow action of NGOs they are likely to remain shelter-less for a long time. However, I believe with very little investment, we can enable families to begin growing food for their survival.
What is Food Security programme?
At a small charge to households, the various segments are implemented by Barefoot Entrepreneurs belonging to Sponsoring Villages who, at a small charge, provide guidance for making platforms, divide up the village land into areas in order to begin growing fruit trees, vegetables and bushes/grain, and provide training to make mud/lime bricks to make village boundary walls.
What are Sponsoring Villages?
These are Yasmeen Lari’s Zero Carbon villages that have become self sufficient who have agreed to sponsor destitute villages in their vicinity to provide guidance for food security.
What are Dosti Villages?
These are destitute villages who have received no help so far but have now been adopted by Sponsoring Villages to provide guidance and help.
How will Dosti Villages become Food Secure?
Only essential equipment and materials costing Rs. 110,000 are needed to enable 50-70 families in each village to begin growing food.
a. One raised handpump: Rs. 15,000
b. One solar panel: Rs. 40,000
c. 40 bags of lime: Rs. 20,000
d. Maa ka Dastarkhwan (Mothers dining) for 7 days providing cooked food for 90-100 persons to support collective building of village boundary walls: Rs. 35,000
Expert teams of Sponsoring Villages provide guidance and training at a small charge to each family.
How can Dosti Villages be sponsored?
For each village of 50-70 households funds can be sent to Mothers Committees, who will arrange for procurement and disbursement. Heritage Foundation of Pakistan will allocate villages, oversee installation and provide feedback. A link to Google map will be provided which will show progress in each village on a database of Dosti Villages.

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Topics: Blog

29. Flood Blog by Prof. Yasmeen Lari - Growing food

While at Cambridge, it has been difficult to continue with my blogs in a regular fashion. However, there has been much thought and a great deal of discussion with my team at home. And I am pleased to report that we are being supported fully by communities in moving on in many directions.
The most important development is the seriousness with which the communities have responded and are working hard to plant and grow food for consumption of their families first. But as the produce is growing in quantity, mechanism has to be put in place for collection and sales of these items.
Many steps have been taken in order to make the dry and ostensibly barren land into fertile, food growing area. The one thing that has been bothering me is that in Sindh, we find the landlords orchards flourishing; however, even though village may be in the midst of orchards, nothing would be cultivated there. Either the hari or the farm labour was not encouraged to grow, even though it is the same farm labour that toils to make profit for landlords. It occurred to me that either the villagers never had enough courage to build on what they think is the landlord’s land, or because of the hard crust, they assumed that the land was barren and will not bear any results if plantation was taken up.
As we began to work on the village, we found that in most places, water was available quite easily and the area was conducive to growing produce. On an experimental basis the hard crust was removed to 12”-18’, treated with water and organic compost and we found that indeed the soil below supported growing of vegetables, fruit etc.
Also, while making excavation for a low cost water storage tank at grade, it was found that water was available quite close to the ground surface and as the artisans dug, the water level kept on being maintained. And if we did not line the tank, it would be ideal for breeding small fish. So that is the beginning of small fish breeding by groups of families. And now that the fish are growing well, a process of fish drying has been started so that all surplus fish could be stored or sold.
The solar dehydration of vegetables and fruit, which has been taken up by communities enthusiastically, has shown good results. If organized properly this provides huge opportunities for ensuring food security along with income generation.
Now that the social franchise system is taking root, there would be possibility of extensive sales during off season time for various vegetables and fruit etc.

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Topics: Blog | A dog care hub

Pets provide a multitude of benefits to their owners. They offer unconditional love, comfort, and a sense of security. Pets can also help to relieve stress and anxiety and provide opportunities for physical activity and socialization. Owning a pet can also improve mental health, as well as provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Welcome to a dog grooming, training and health related blog site!

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